Why Skylights?

Skylights have many sustainable benefits which reduce energy use and save money. In addition to adding light, space and elevating the interior of your home, the increase in natural light is also good for your health. On average, we spend more than 90% of our time indoors, where we do not get the right amount and quality of light to feel happy and healthy.1

A skylight can admit more than three times as much light as a vertical window of the same size, so the benefits of natural light are increased with the installation of a skylight.2

The principles of delivering daylight differ between conventional vertical windows, which light from the side, and skylights and roof windows, which light from above. Top lighting increases the potential for uniform light distribution. Under an unobstructed, overcast sky, the amount of light from directly above is about 3 times as much as from the horizon.3

Most of us would prefer to live our lives under the warmth of the sun rather than under the buzz and glare of fluorescent bulbs. A recent survey, as reported by The Harvard Business Review, confirms just how much natural light means to the average person. According to Future Workplace’s survey, over 1,600 employees ranked “access to natural light and views of the outdoors” as their number one desire for a workplace environment.4

Ultimately, skylights are great for the environment, your wallet, and your quality of life!

Health Benefits
Studies into the health benefits of natural light on the human body date back to the 1920’s. These studies have been conducted on how daylight benefits people in a variety of environments from schools to offices, retail environments and even in the home.

Natural light improves our health for several reasons. It helps to boost our vitamin D levels, which is critical for preventing bone loss, reducing the risk of heart disease, weight gain and certain cancers.5

Exposure to natural light is also essential for good mental health. Research has found that workers in offices with windows received more natural light and had better sleep quality, higher physical activity levels, and lower stress levels than workers in windowless offices.

Natural light plays a crucial role in regulating circadian rhythm, the body’s internal clock, improving sleep patterns and overall well-being. Natural light reduces symptoms of depression in patients with seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a type of depression related to changes in seasons and daylight. It can also increase serotonin (a chemical in our brain that controls mood and happiness) and reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety.6

Installing a skylight will also help eliminate mould and mildew in your home. Windowless roofs are prone to harbouring moisture which causes mould and mildew. In some cases, mould and mildew need treating with harsh chemicals (typically bleach) toxic to the environment. Mould spores also lower indoor air quality and exacerbate allergies and asthma causing irritated eyes, nose, and throat. Skylights eliminate mould and mildew by letting in light, a natural deterrent to fungi and bacteria. They also warm up the temperature which reduces moisture.7

This not only helps your personal health but the health of your home as well.

Energy Efficiency
In addition to improving our health, natural light from a skylight can reduce the need to use artificial lights to brighten your space. Fewer lights mean more savings in electricity. Utilize the free energy of daylight entering through your skylight to illuminate your space and save money on your energy bill.8

Skylights can also help with passive solar heating, allowing sunlight to warm a room naturally and reducing the need for heating systems. Many skylights are operable, allowing for natural ventilation and reducing the need for air conditioning by letting hot air escape from the top of the room.

Aesthetic Appeal
Skylights can enhance the architectural design of a home or building, adding a modern and stylish element. They offer views of the sky and surroundings that might not be visible from traditional windows, adding to the visual appeal.

Environmental Impact and Sustainability
In contrast to traditional incandescent and fluorescent lighting, skylights produce no greenhouse gas emissions and consume no energy. Even when compared to energy-efficient LED lighting, skylights offer a unique advantage by directly utilizing solar energy, a renewable resource that comes without a utility bill or environmental cost.

The inclusion of skylights in a home represents a commitment to sustainable living. By embracing the renewable benefits of natural light and ventilation, skylights offer a harmonious blend of aesthetics, comfort, and eco-efficiency. For homeowners looking to enhance their green profile, skylights are an investment that pays dividends for both the environment and the future.

Maintain Privacy
Windows are a great addition to any home. However, in some cases, windows compromise your sense of privacy. Skylights are an exception. You can have natural light and maintain your privacy – even in the most intimate spaces of your home. Don’t sacrifice your need for natural light and functionality because of privacy concerns. A skylight can provide you with the best of both!

Increase Resale Value
When it’s time to sell your home, a skylight can increase the value. Like most cosmetic changes, skylights create an attractive atmosphere thanks to natural light.

Bresic Whitney Hunters Hill agent Nicholas McEvoy says buyers often fall in love with a house that offers light and space. On any house-hunting day, but especially on a gloomy day, it’s a bonus when you stumble upon a property flooded with natural light. “Good natural light gives people a good feeling about a property. It’s a big thing,” he says. “I’ve had people install skylights before a sale…”9


  1. Bringing the Benefits of Natural Light Indoors, World Green Building Council
  2. How to Choose the Right Skylight for You, Architecture & Design
  3. Passive Design: Skylights, Your Home
  4. The Health Benefits of Natural Light (and 7 Ways to Get More of It), Healthline
  5. The Health Benefits of Natural Light (and 7 Ways to Get More of It), Healthline
  6. How Light Affects Your Mental Health, Queensland Health
  7. The Sustainable Benefits of Skylights, Eco Sustainable House
  8. Skylight Industry Association
  9. How to Get the Best Price for Your Home by Updating Five Key Features, Domain



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